Fur KP Duo



Valued at $181.00 - power to you for $160.00


A powerful two-step routine formulated to target the appearance of Keratosis Pilaris, bumps, and rough patches. KP Body Scrub utilizes 14% active AHAs to remove excess buildup of keratin in your pores that causes bumps, while Fur Oil soothes redness and seals in hydration. In tandem, as part of your daily routine, KP Duo works to remove KP and keep it from coming back.

Gynecologically Tested

Cruelty Free




Two full sized Fur products that work together to control KP & hydrate skin.

  • Fur Oil 75 ml
  • KP Body Scrub 180 ml


What: A two-step routine to exfoliate rough skin, reduce keratin build-up, and repair dry skin to reduce the overall appearance of KP.

Where: KP can appear anywhere on the skin where hair follicles exist, but is typically found on the arms, legs, and butt. Use KP Duo to target areas that appear flaky, dry, and rough. Both products are facial-grade, but because of the high percentage of powerful AHAs in KP Body Scrub, it could be irritating on more delicate facial or pubic skin. 

How: KP is caused by the buildup of keratin in the pores, so start by massaging KP Body Scrub onto wet skin in the shower. Towel dry, then soothe the redness and bumps, as well as lock in moisture, with a few drops of Fur Oil. 

When: To prevent KP from returning, apply KP Body Scrub 2-3 times a week, and apply Fur Oil daily.

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